Sunday, March 10, 2013

Still Talking About Eggs

This week I'm still talking about eggs.  Creating eggs as well as collecting and displaying them.  We got over a foot of snow here on Friday so it's really not looking like Spring in my yard.  But's all spring and eggs!

This may look like your average barnyard,
but look closely to check out the unique
animals that crept in through the back gate.
These are painted wooden eggs,
embellished with clip art from who else--Martha.

I've been busy collecting from the hen house!
I love this divided basket filled with treasures.

This small shaker basket shows off a collection of miniature marble eggs.
I chose a simple crystal vase to show off these beauties.  My husband, daughter and I took an egg decorating class several years ago.  We used hot wax to made the designs, then dyed the eggs.  If you click on the photo to enlarge, you will notice the "use by" date of 2005 stamped on the egg,   It's something you probably don't even notice when buying eggs in the grocery store.  The best eggs to buy for dyeing are farm fresh eggs that haven't been treated or stamped.
Eggs make me think of birds, thus this tiny bird house salt and pepper shaker set.
It's no more than 5 inches high.  I found this at Macy's this year.  Love!

Stay tuned for next week's blog when we explore the beautiful world of Pysanky. 
Pysanky are Ukrainian Easter Eggs, decorated using beeswax and dyes that are applied in layers.  


  1. Love all these great eggs and creative display ideas. We have chickens so our eggs are farm fresh. I think I may blow a few and try the dye over hot wax idea. I never have a special Easter centerpiece, but I could put the eggs in a crystal bow or vase. Because the kids are in a German Immersion school, we have a bunch of eggs that they have blown and decorated over the years for Easter and Christmas. I can just add those in. Thanks for this. Cassandra

    1. Good luck Cassandra! Wish I had some of your fresh eggs. Send me a photo when you come up with your beautiful display!

    2. I will but don't hold your breath. It sometimes takes me a while to get things finished. I've been working on my brother's Christmas afghan for a year and a half. It was for Christmas 2011.
