Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sweater Redo, Part Deux

Thanks for all of the positive feedback on my first blog post!   I hope to see lots of sweater pillow photos as you turn your old woolies into new treasures.  Today I want to share another sweater project...this one a little more involved but nothing to be scared of my crafty friends.

This sweater throw is made from 100% wool sweaters from all three of us.   I started by felting the sweaters--washing them in very hot water, then drying on a high temperature.  You can Google "sweater felting" and find a ton of information.  This shrinks the sweaters and makes the weave tighter and easier to cut and work with, like felt.

Sweater vest pocket and buttons

 I then cut the sweaters into large squares (any size that you like or that works from your sweaters). Some squares are pieced together with smaller scraps. I tried to use some elements of the sweaters as a reminder of what they were. Like the pocket from this sweater vest from my husband and the button front of a cardigan from my daughter.

Cardigan front with buttons

After I got the squares cut, I laid them out on the floor to create a pattern that I liked. I sewed them together in strips of 5, then sewed all four strips together. I used a serger (thanks Mom!) but a sewing machine would also work.I chose a fleece animal print for the backing which, when coupled with the wool, makes an extremely warm and cozy throw!  

These sweaters, once discarded in the "give away" pile,  now have a second life in our home.

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